All about rules, rights and responsibilities of Marov Driver, of the Internet user and the passenger-customer.
Publisher: M. Omar Yousfi - Idrissi
3 résidence les Coudrays
78990 Elancourt
Phone: 06 28 04 15 14
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59100 Roubaix - France
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All data communicated by Internet users is strictly confidential. Never they cannot be passed on to anyone. In accordance with the law "Informatique et Libertés", the Internet users have the right to access, rectify and oppose all data nominative, and will be able to exercise them by post or from our contact page.
All reproduction rights for texts, photographic documents, iconography and logos are reserved on Furthermore, the proper functioning and validity of the hypertext links leading to other websites do not in any way engage the responsibility of Marov Driver.
Marov Driver is a company allowing passenger transport reservations in VTC Van or Sedan or Luxury Cars in Paris and all of Île-de-France. Each reservation on systematically implies the acceptance by our customers of these General Conditions of Use. These automatically receive application, and this without obligation for Marov Driver to refute any contrary conditions. Online service reservations on our site commit our customers for all of these rules.
Flat rates have priority, in fact if a flat rate corresponds to the journey requested, the price of the package may be applied later.
It is forbidden to smoke or transport animals (except by prior arrangement), substances explosive, corrosive, dangerous, toxic or flammable inside the vehicles of our drivers. The responsibility of the passenger-customer will be engaged in the event of non-compliance with these rules, and Marov Driver will reserve the possibility of any appropriate recourse. All delays on transport times due to unforeseeable traffic problems will not give rise to any right to compensation, whatever they may be. Marov Driver also reserves the right to subcontract all private transport services to drivers selected by it.
Transport undertakes to make every effort to support its passengers in the best safety conditions and the best delays to their destination. Thus, all of our drivers partners have the guarantees of notoriously solvent insurance companies, covering all risks relating to their activity, in accordance with the legislation in force. These insurance contracts cover, in terms of civil liability, all direct damage material and immaterial and bodily injury to the passenger, within a limit set according to the current insurance contract. And this with the exception of damage due to the responsibility of the customer, since his boarding the vehicle until its descent, these two actions remaining included.
These General Conditions of Use are governed by French law, and all disputes relating to their interpretation or their execution will be submitted to the Commercial Court.